The critical step in fat loss you may not be thinking about…

New Year’s Resolutions are just around the corner. Packed gyms, new diets, running and many other healthy changes with the majority of them being for fat loss and body composition betterment are about to begin. You may be setting yourself up for failure if you aren’t incorporating detoxification support in your fat loss program. This article will detail the reasons why.

The costs of toxicity related disease per year are estimated at almost a trillion dollars. Toxins are a causative factor or contributor to many kinds of cancer, diabetes, asthma, stroke, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, autism, dementia and Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and almost all diseases you can name.  We have also since learned that 90-95% of our genes are directly affected by lifestyle and environment, meaning our toxin exposure directly impacts our health.

How do toxins make you fat? The majority of toxins are fat soluble meaning they are stored in body fat and have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and also effect the brain. Research has shown people with more body fat also have higher levels of toxins in the body. This is alarming because there is over 54,000,000 registered chemicals and less than 900 have been tested for toxicity with even less being testing for effects on humans.

One of the reasons for unsuccessful weight loss programs is the lack of detoxification support during the program. We live in a highly toxic world, with the majority of those toxins being stored in our fat. When someone loses weight and doesn’t add supportive detoxification based nutrients to the mix the fat decreases in the body, but the toxic load remains the same. This becomes problematic when the body tries to balance itself back out but doesn't have the proper nutrients in order to detoxify and lower the toxic load. As a compensation technique the body will increase fat as a way of storing away the toxins so they aren't so damaging to the body. In order to truly lose fat and keep it off you must lower the toxic load of the body. This is done with a minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and a lifestyle the limits toxic exposure. Support fat loss with detoxification and you are well on your way to avoid the yo-yo so many people have experienced.

Nutrition researchers have found and documented the ways in which the body detoxifies certain toxins (also known as xenobiotics). Even though many toxins have not been tested, the ones that have allow us to trace respective detoxification pathways needed to support the elimination of these harmful chemicals. The human body detoxifies many toxins through the same pathways, like the cyctochrome P450 enzyme pathways in the liver. We know that when these pathways are supported detoxification is increased, and in some cases decreasing cancer and disease risk, and of course supporting effective and safe fat loss. 

2016 is a great time to begin a new health journey and one of the biggest parts of that journey should be a comprehensive detoxification program. Whether you are doing one for health and better energy or as a component of a fat loss system, detox is here and is the future in terms of Lifestyle Medicine and healthcare.

Bottom line: Detoxify to lose fat. We can help with many different detoxification program options. Call us today! 203-220-6488. Or visit our website

Dr. Kurt Waples