Are you asking your doctor the right questions?

It is no surprise that the medical field is becoming less and less efficient when treating chronic diseases. Traditional medicine has created a media campaign on prevention, when in reality it is really early detection. Get screened, tested, and probed as often as possible, so when you get cancer we can treat it with the most advanced drugs, surgery, chemo, radiation, and other very expensive (80-90% chance, not proven) strategies and fast as possible... 

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Is a Detox Right for You? ANSWER: YES!

Detox? What is it? Why is everyone talking about doing detoxes? How would it benefit me? Is it safe? These and many more questions will be answered in this article. This article will discuss the reasons a detoxification program is the ultimate health strategy and why you should definitely be considering one (and maybe even more) this quarter...

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Top 4 Shoulder Injuries - Updated

The shoulder is a very complex joint with endless things that can potentially cause injury or pain. I wrote the bulk of this article years ago, while I was attending a Crossfit gym. I had become a bit surprised at the number of shoulder injuries seen in Crossfit gyms (shoulder pain) and decided to write this. It holds true for all sports and non sports. This is an article detailing the top 4 structural problems I see with the shoulder...

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Leaving the Comfort Zone: The ONLY Way to Maximize Life

Beginning anything new is stressful and requires a big step out of the "comfort zone". Starting a new healthy lifestyle is no different and might be one of the most stressful things a person can do. Comfort zones are what keep us locked into habits that might not be helping us better ourselves...

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